Custom Spray Tan Aftercare

Custom Spray Tan Aftercare Instructions

Please do not schedule your manicure, pedicure, or waxing appointments after your tan, as these treatments will remove any color from your skin.

If possible, do not wear a bra until after your first rinse to prevent “tan lines” or streaks.

Please know that if you exercise and sweat heavily, your tan can fade faster, especially if your clothing is tight. The same applies to sweating feet inside shoes.

Shaving exfoliates skin, which can fade your tan. Be sure to use a new razor and a lubricating product such as our Ph Balancing Cleanser or Lotion when shaving. A dull razor will remove your tan.

Be aware that spending any time in a hot tub, swimming pool, or the ocean—or even taking a long hot bath—can cause your Custom Spray Tan to prematurely fade.

Your first rinse should be brief making sure you gently but thoroughly “wipe” the cosmetic bronzer off your skin using your hands only. Your first rinse can be done after 2-4 hours of your spray tan and should be minimal. You will see color coming off during your first rinse…this is normal, you want all the cosmetic bronzer to come off in that first rinse.

Please do not pee in the shower when you have an Airbrush Spray Tan, the ammonia in the urine will cause your tan to streak.

Do not use any soap during your first rinse. For best results wait 12-24 hours from your initial rinse to use any soaps or lotions. Deodorant is fine.

Once out of the shower pat your skin dry, do not rub. You will want to continue to pat your skin dry for the duration of your Custom Spray Tan.

Aftercare for Additional Services