Vascular Reduction Aftercare

Vascular Reduction Aftercare Instructions

Following Vascular Reduction Treatment, be certain to avoid sun exposure and wear, at minimum, SPF 30 sunscreen for at least one month after treatment on areas that may be subject to involuntary sun exposure. Redness and swelling is to be expected; cold compresses may be applied to help minimize discomfort. Please contact us at the first sign of persistent pain or blistering in the event that this occurs.


Treatment area should be gently washed twice per day with tepid water and mild soap.


Preventative Care

It is important to support the treated areas with 20 – 30 PSI compression pantyhose, worn continuously for three to five days post treatment. These are available at medical supply stores and pharmacies.


Things to Avoid

After your treatment, you are required to refrain from the following:

For at least 3 days post treatment. Sweat contains bacteria. Any excessive perspiration could pose the risk of infection.

I.e. pools, hot tubs, bath tubs, the ocean, saunas, etc. for at least 5 days post treatment.

Sun Exposure/Tanning Beds
Until the skin has returned to normal. Always wear a topical sun protectant of at least SPF 30.

Avoid exfoliants, scrubbing, or using abrasive loofahs/sponges on the treated area(s).

Hair Removal
Avoid shaving the area for at least 48 hours after treatment.

Picking or Scratching
This can cause scarring, discoloration, and pose risk for infection.

I.e. scented lotions, makeup, tanning products, etc.

Using Blood Thinners
Including, but not limited to ibuprofen, alcohol, aspirin, and caffeine for at least 5 days post treatment.

Frequency of Treatment
Please be advised that multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired result.

Post-Procedure Expectations

Expect redness and swelling, which may convert to what is called a “cat scratch” scab. Vein resolution in the leg area is typically seen within 8 – 12 weeks. At the end of the healing process, some vessels may be gone while others may be lighter or unaffected.

Aftercare for Additional Services